
What Is Rapid Transformational Therapy?

What Is Rapid Transformational Therapy?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (or RTT) is a hybrid therapy known for its efficiency in discovering the root of a client’s issue and helping them let it all go for good. Anxiety, stress, a lack of self-esteem and addiction are just a few of the many issues that RTT can help with. Rapid Transformational Therapy and hypnosis has worked for millions…

Study Shows Areas of the Brain Affected by Hypnosis

Study Shows Areas of the Brain Affected by Hypnosis

Distinct areas of the brain show altered activity and connectivity when people are under hypnosis, according to a study done by scientists at the Stanford School of Medicine. Scientists studied the brains of 57 people while they were hypnotized in sessions similar to those they would have were they being treated for anxiety, pain or trauma.  ‘Hypnosis is the oldest…

Research Shows Effectiveness of Hypnosis in Reducing Stress Prior to Surgery

Research Shows Effectiveness of Hypnosis in Reducing Stress Prior to Surgery

Hypnosis had a ‘significant, large and beneficial effect on reducing emotional distress related to a medical procedure,’ according to this article. The analysis is the most extensive review of trials on the impact of hypnosis on reducing distress, and indicates that about 82% of patients who received hypnosis had less emotional distress going into surgery than those who didn’t. Reducing…

Confidence — You Already Have What It Takes

Confidence — You Already Have What It Takes

This was the title of a talk I gave at The Best You Expo at London’s Excel Centre in early 2017 to a standing room only crowd. That fact had little to do with me, and everything to do with the fact that people are searching for help to increase their confidence. Does this sound like you? We’re born with…

Are You a Limited or Growth Mindset Person?

Are You a Limited or Growth Mindset Person?

Do you have a growth mindset? Do you know what it means to have one? If you don’t, you’re not alone. The phrase is used regularly by people in the professional development and human resources areas with some fairly broad interpretations. But the heart of it is this: if you believe the intelligence and talents you’re born with are all…

Stress Leads as the Cause of Major UK Health Issues

Stress Leads as the Cause of Major UK Health Issues

Stress and anxiety are the leading causes of health issues in the UK. In a November 2017 report released by the UK’s Health and Safety Executive, stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 40% of work-related health cases and nearly 50% of working days lost. The causes? Workload,, the lack of managers’ support, and organisational change. Problems in personal relationships will…


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