Knowing your life purpose and what you’re passionate about influences your decisions and goals. Being clear on what’s important will drive you toward achieving it. But many people have blocks figuring out what they really want to do and waste time. Don’t you deserve to move toward a purposeful life now? Solution-focused hypnotherapy uncovers what’s holding you back by finding the root cause of the block.
Limiting beliefs about money prevent you from achieving your goals for acquiring wealth. You may be saving, yet never reach your target. You may feel wealth is unavailable to you, or maybe you spend your money as soon as you get it. Many successful people want to step up to the next level, but can’t figure out how to get there. Hypnosis works brilliantly to uncover and release your sub-conscious blocks so you can live life the way you want.
Do you break out in a sweat before speaking? Or maybe you’re one of those people who are fine until you stand up and face the audience, only to find that your mind has gone blank. Public speaking is often rated as being one of the most feared activities we can engage in. But it doesn’t have to be this way, as solutions-focused hypnotherapy for public speaking can remove this problem from your life.
Using hypnotherapy to resolve self-esteem issues will improve your confidence and vice versa. RTT finds the reason why you have the issue. You’ll see it from a different perspective while in the hypnotic state, which allows you to reframe the belief so it’s eliminated.
Fears and phobias arise from the beliefs and pictures you create in your mind from experiences you have. Flying, being shut in a small space or seeing spiders or snakes are not the cause of your fear; they are the trigger. During your hypnosis session, we reframe the belief running this pattern of behavior and release you from experiencing fear and phobias again. .
The inability to go to sleep or to stay asleep is debilitating. You lose concentration and become listless, irritable and, in the worst case, dependant on sleeping pills. Hypnosis will help us discover the emotional root cause of your inability to sleep through the night and release it. I support you for several weeks after the session to help continue embedding the changes made during your hypnosis session
Coming for hypnotherapy to reduce or eliminate smoking and drinking is only for those 100% committed to change. You may have cut back on or stopped in the past only to find the habit creeping back to the point where you are smoking and drinking more than you were before. The answer is to find the belief that is keeping you wanting to indulge. Are you ready to change?
Do you hate exercise, binge eat and crave food when feeling emotional? Hypnotherapy will change the way you react to the triggers that cause you to overeat or eat senselessly. I will instil in you the desire and goal to start leading a healthier life and you will imagine your ideal body image. Take control of your health now.
Stress levels are rising globally and for people of all ages and professions. Six out of 10 people say their work environment has helped create their stress and anxiety. Does this sound like you? Discover the root cause of these symptoms and reframe beliefs that hold you back from enjoying life the way you want.